by Luhanm

Ethics Enclave

Test this app for free
import os
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

# Import the abilities package to use the llm_prompt function
from abilities import llm_prompt

# Define the moral frameworks, their corresponding model IDs, and cultural norms
moral_frameworks = {
    'Kantianism': 'gpt-4-1106-preview',
    'Utilitarianism': 'gpt-4-1106-preview',
    'Virtue Ethics': 'gpt-4-1106-preview',
    'Deontology': 'gpt-4-1106-preview',
    'Cultural Norm': 'gpt-4-1106-preview'  # Using GPT-4 for cultural norm decisions

def get_model_decision(framework, scenario):
    This function uses the llm_prompt ability to get the decision from a specific model.
    prompt = f"[{framework} vote either moral or immoral on the scenario: '{scenario}'. Provide your reason. Separate your reason from your vote with a dash.]"
        # Use the llm_prompt ability to get a decision from the model
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can businesses benefit from using the Ethics Enclave app?

The Ethics Enclave app can provide valuable insights for businesses facing ethical dilemmas. By leveraging multiple ethical frameworks, it offers a balanced perspective on moral issues. Companies can use this tool to: - Evaluate the ethical implications of new products or services - Guide decision-making in complex situations - Enhance corporate social responsibility initiatives - Train employees on ethical reasoning This multi-faceted approach helps businesses make more informed and ethically sound decisions.

Can the Ethics Enclave be integrated into existing business processes?

Yes, the Ethics Enclave can be seamlessly integrated into various business processes. For example: - HR departments can use it to assess ethical implications of policies - Product development teams can evaluate potential ethical concerns in new designs - Marketing teams can ensure campaigns align with ethical standards The app's API allows for easy integration with existing systems, making it a versatile tool for embedding ethical considerations across different business functions.

How does the Ethics Enclave app address cultural differences in ethical decision-making?

The Ethics Enclave app includes a cultural norm perspective, allowing users to select a specific country for context. This feature recognizes that ethical standards can vary across cultures. By incorporating this cultural dimension, the app provides a more nuanced and globally aware ethical analysis. This is particularly valuable for multinational corporations or businesses operating in diverse cultural environments.

How can I modify the Ethics Enclave app to include additional ethical frameworks?

To add new ethical frameworks to the Ethics Enclave app, you can modify the moral_frameworks dictionary in the file. Here's an example of how to add a new framework:

python moral_frameworks = { 'Kantianism': 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'Utilitarianism': 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'Virtue Ethics': 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'Deontology': 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'Cultural Norm': 'gpt-4-1106-preview', 'New Framework': 'gpt-4-1106-preview' # Add your new framework here }

You'll also need to ensure that the get_model_decision function can handle the new framework appropriately.

How can I customize the prompt used by the Ethics Enclave app for different frameworks?

To customize the prompt for different frameworks, you can modify the get_model_decision function in the file. Here's an example of how you might customize the prompt for a specific framework:

```python def get_model_decision(framework, scenario): if framework == 'New Framework': prompt = f"[Using the principles of {framework}, analyze the ethical implications of the following scenario: '{scenario}'. Provide a moral or immoral vote, followed by your reasoning. Separate your vote from your explanation with a dash.]" else: prompt = f"[{framework} vote either moral or immoral on the scenario: '{scenario}'. Provide your reason. Separate your reason from your vote with a dash.]"

   # Rest of the function remains the same


This allows you to tailor the prompt for each framework, potentially improving the relevance and accuracy of the Ethics Enclave's responses.

Created: | Last Updated:

An app that generates moral votes based on ethical frameworks and provides explanations.

Introduction to the Ethics Enclave Template

Welcome to the Ethics Enclave template guide. This template is designed to help you create an application that generates moral votes based on various ethical frameworks and provides explanations for those decisions. The app uses a Flask server to handle requests and provides a simple web interface for user interaction. It's perfect for those looking to integrate ethical decision-making into their software solutions.

Getting Started

To begin using the Ethics Enclave template, simply click on the "Start with this Template" button. This will pre-populate the code in the Lazy Builder interface, so you won't need to copy, paste, or delete any code manually.

Test: Deploying the App

Once you have the template loaded, press the "Test" button to start the deployment of your app. The Lazy CLI will handle the deployment process, and you won't need to worry about installing libraries or setting up your environment.

Entering Input

After pressing the "Test" button, if the app requires any user input, the Lazy App's CLI interface will prompt you to provide it. Follow the instructions in the CLI to enter the necessary information.

Using the App

After deployment, Lazy will provide you with a dedicated server link to use the API or display the web interface. If you're using the API, you can interact with the app through this link. For those using the web interface, navigate to the provided URL to access the Moral Parliament App's frontend. Here, you can enter ethical scenarios and optionally select a country to get the moral vote and explanations.

Integrating the App

If you need to integrate this app into an external service or frontend, you can use the server link provided by Lazy. For API interactions, you can make POST requests to the /moral_parliament endpoint with a JSON payload containing the "scenario" and optionally the "country". Here's a sample request you might send:

`POST /moral_parliament HTTP/1.1
Host: [Your Lazy Server Link]
Content-Type: application/json

  "scenario": "Is it moral to prioritize the lives of endangered animals over the economic interests of a community?",
  "country": "United States"
}` And a sample response could look like this:

{   "final_decision": "moral",   "individual_votes": {     "Kantianism": "moral",     "Utilitarianism": "immoral",     "Virtue Ethics": "moral",     "Deontology": "moral"   },   "explanations": {     "Kantianism": "Explanation from Kantian perspective...",     "Utilitarianism": "Explanation from Utilitarian perspective...",     "Virtue Ethics": "Explanation from Virtue Ethics perspective...",     "Deontology": "Explanation from Deontological perspective..."   } } If you need to integrate the app's functionality into another tool, you may need to add the API endpoints provided by the Lazy server link to that tool. Ensure you follow the specific integration steps required by the external tool, such as setting the correct scopes or adding the necessary code snippets.

Remember, the Ethics Enclave app is a starting point, and you can customize it further to suit your needs. You can add more countries, update the ethical frameworks, or even replace the language model with the latest versions as they become available.

For any additional guidance or documentation, refer to the links provided in the code comments. These resources can offer more detailed information on specific aspects of the template and how to make the most of it.

With the Ethics Enclave template, you're well on your way to creating an application that can navigate complex moral landscapes and provide insightful feedback on ethical dilemmas.

Here are 5 key business benefits for the Ethics Enclave template:

Template Benefits

  1. Ethical Decision Support: Provides organizations with an AI-powered tool to assist in making complex ethical decisions, helping maintain consistency and reducing human bias.

  2. Compliance and Risk Management: Helps companies evaluate scenarios against multiple ethical frameworks, potentially reducing legal and reputational risks associated with ethical missteps.

  3. Corporate Social Responsibility Enhancement: Demonstrates a company's commitment to ethical considerations, potentially improving brand image and stakeholder relations.

  4. Cross-Cultural Business Navigation: Offers insights into cultural norms for ethical decision-making, valuable for multinational corporations or businesses expanding into new markets.

  5. AI Development Guidance: Serves as a prototype for implementing ethical guidelines in AI systems, supporting the development of more responsible and trustworthy artificial intelligence applications.


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