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YouTube to MP4 Converter (Mp4ify)

This app allows users to input a YouTube URL and download it as an MP4 file 📺

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Image to Video using Stability AI

Lazy Image to Video using Stability AI to generate video clips based on their image to video model.

OpenAI GPT-4o Reminders WhatsApp bot

This bot uses GPT-4o to give Whatsapp-based reminders to people just by chatting. In the encryption key environment secret, you need to get a 128 bit AES hex key from a website such as

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AI-Based PDF Chatbot

The PDF Chatbot app connects to uploaded PDFs and answers questions about them using AI.

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AI Web scraper

AI Web Scraper A web app that uses google to generate a curated list of websites that can help solve specific problems or situations.

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AI-Based Text to Speech Converter

An application that takes in text and converts it to a downloadable audio file of the text being spoken by AI.

Flask WebGen App

WebGen: A web development app that combines front-end and back-end skills to generate code based on user requests.

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Simple Telegram Bot Template

This Simple Telegram Bot template is a simple example Telegram bot that can receive and send messages, and handle a custom command /hey which responds with "What's up?". This is a no-code bot template for Telegram that doesn't require any python knowledge.

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Web Based Chatbot on Flask with LLM

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place suitable for creating a chatbot. It uses tailwind and llm.

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