Selenium app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Selenium. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Selenium development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Selenium apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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AI Specific Website Scraper

Provide a url and the information you need to extract . It will provide you the extracted information from that url


Demo of Playwright Text Scraper Working on Lazy

Playwright Text Scraper: A CLI app that navigates to, retrieves the webpage title, and prints the content of all visible text elements.


Selenium App

Use this skeleton if you need to use Selenium to build the app. Example: if the user needs to write an end to end test or an automation test or a regression test or a functional test or crawl a website when it needs to do some sophisticated steps e.g. clicks, page element.


AI Web scraper

AI Web Scraper A web app that uses google to generate a curated list of websites that can help solve specific problems or situations.


Scrape Text From Website

A web app that allows users to input a URL and scrape the text from any webpage, displaying it in a formatted table along with the source URL and date scraped. Users can also download the table as a CSV file.


Web Scraper Pro

Web Scraper Pro: A web app that allows users to input a URL and scrape the text from any webpage, displaying it in a formatted table along with the source URL and date scraped. Users can also download the table as a CSV file.


Selenium Web Scraper Youtube Channel

This app uses Selenium to navigate directly to the specified YouTube channel URL, goes to the "Videos" tab, scrolls down until a specified number of videos are found, retrieves the list of these videos on the channel, and prints the collected video data in the console. The app also handles errors during the extraction of videos and prints the progress of the number of videos data that is being collected throughout the app lifecycle. The app requires the user to provide the URL of the YouTube channel and the maximum number of videos to collect data from in the console.


Discord Youtube Channel Video Lister Bot

This app uses Selenium to navigate directly to the "Videos" tab of a specified YouTube channel URL, scrolls down until there are no new videos or the maximum number of videos to be listed is reached, retrieves the list of videos on the channel, and shares the video data in the same Discord thread it was mentioned to scrape it. The app also handles errors during the extraction of videos and prints the progress of the number of videos data that is being collected throughout the app lifecycle. The app requires the environment variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN to be set to the token of the Discord bot. The maximum number of videos to be listed can be set using the command "!set_max_videos " with the same bot. The bot is created with all intents to make it work properly. The app also validates the YouTube channel URL provided by the user. The command to list the videos is "!list_videos ".


Selenium Discord Website Check Bot

The Website Stats App is a Discord bot that provides detailed statistics about a given website. It visits the website, determines its load time, status, and security level, and sends this information back to a Discord command. The app also handles errors for incorrect URLs, notifies the user if the website processing is taking some time, and alerts the user if the website is down or not reachable. The app requires the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN environment variable to be set in the Env Secrets tab. The app supports the !website_stats command on Discord.


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Lazy Image to Video

Lazy Image to Video using stability ai to generate video clips based on their image to video model.

Create Slack Channel using API

An app for Slack integration allowing the creation of public channels using the Slack API. This webhook app requires 'SLACK_BOT_TOKEN' to authenticate with slack api. It also requires channels:manage scope enabled to create channels. Further enchancements to prompts may allow the app to add the user to the channel.

Notes App With Database

This app allows users to create their own notes. User can create , edit , delete and view their notes and can access them using database.


A random quote generator app with an enticing colour theme

AI Query Generator Slack Bot for BigQuery

This app allows users to interact with a Slack bot, ask a question about the data in a table or request the table schema, and then uses the latest ChatGPT to generate a query that is executed on BigQuery to return the results. The app includes a retry mechanism for query generation in case of an error (up to two retries) and provides the LLM with the table info to generate more accurate queries. The table schema is only printed if it is successfully retrieved. All errors from retries are now passed to the LLM. The generated query is printed before the results, and the results are displayed in a pretty table format. The bot uses the Slack API to send and receive messages and parses the user's message to determine the action to take. The bot always responds in a thread to the original message.

Jira Weekly Summary

This app provides a weekly summary of completed Jira tasks. It requests the user's Jira domain, email, and API token, and uses the Jira API to download closed tickets from the past week. The query filters for tickets with the status 'Done' and last updated between the start and end of the current week.

Selenium is a powerful open-source framework for automating web browsers. It provides a suite of tools and libraries for web application testing, helping developers and testers automate repetitive tasks, conduct functional testing, and ensure the reliability of web applications across different browsers and platforms.

Key features and aspects of Selenium include:

  1. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Selenium allows testing on various web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. This ensures that web applications function consistently across different browsers.
  2. WebDriver API: Selenium WebDriver is a key component that provides a programming interface for interacting with web browsers. Developers can write scripts in multiple programming languages (such as Java, Python, C#, or JavaScript) to automate browser actions like clicking buttons, filling forms, and navigating between pages.
  3. Testing Framework Integration: Selenium can be integrated with popular testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG, allowing for the organized and efficient execution of test suites and generating comprehensive test reports.
  4. Parallel Test Execution: Selenium supports parallel test execution, enabling faster testing cycles by running multiple tests simultaneously. This is particularly beneficial for reducing test execution time in large test suites.
  5. Cross-Platform Testing: Selenium supports testing on various operating systems, making it suitable for ensuring the functionality of web applications on different platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  6. Headless Browser Testing: Selenium allows for headless browser testing, where tests can be executed without a graphical user interface. This is valuable for running tests in environments without a GUI, such as continuous integration systems.
  7. Element Locators: Selenium provides various strategies for locating elements on a web page, including ID, class name, XPath, CSS selectors, and more. This flexibility allows testers to identify and interact with elements accurately.
  8. Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid enables the distribution of test execution across multiple machines, facilitating parallel testing on different environments and browsers simultaneously.
  9. Community and Support: Selenium has a large and active community, offering extensive documentation, forums, and support. The community contributes to the development of Selenium, ensuring regular updates and enhancements.
  10. Browser Interaction: Selenium allows developers to simulate user interactions with web elements, such as mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and scrolling. This is crucial for testing user interfaces and ensuring a seamless user experience.
  11. Integration with CI/CD Tools: Selenium seamlessly integrates with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins, allowing automated tests to be triggered automatically with code changes.

In summary, Selenium is a versatile and widely used framework for automating web browser interactions. Its cross-browser compatibility, support for various programming languages, and extensive features make it an essential tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications through automated testing.
