Discord Activity Rank & Monitor Bot That Kicks Inactive Members
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Retrieve the Discord bot token from the environment variable
# Define intents
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.messages = True # Subscribe to the messages intent to track last message activity.
intents.members = True # Subscribe to the privileged members intent.
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents)
# In-memory storage for inactivity criteria and channel message history
inactivity_criteria = {}
channel_message_history = {}
Frequently Asked Questions
How can the Discord Activity Monitor Bot help manage large communities?
The Discord Activity Monitor Bot is an excellent tool for managing large communities by automatically identifying and removing inactive members. This helps keep the server engaged and reduces clutter. Administrators can set custom inactivity criteria (in days or minutes) and initiate a kick process for inactive members, streamlining community management and ensuring a more active user base.
What are some business applications for the Discord Activity Monitor Bot?
The Discord Activity Monitor Bot can be valuable for various business applications: - Customer Support: Ensure that support channels remain active and focused. - Online Communities: Maintain engagement in product or brand-focused communities. - Event Management: Keep event-specific channels relevant by removing inactive participants. - Team Collaboration: Encourage regular participation in work-related Discord servers.
How does the Discord Activity Monitor Bot respect user privacy?
The Discord Activity Monitor Bot respects user privacy by only analyzing message timestamps, not content. It uses the Discord API to fetch message history, which adheres to Discord's privacy policies. The bot doesn't store message content; it only tracks the most recent activity time for each user to determine inactivity.
How can I customize the inactivity criteria in the Discord Activity Monitor Bot?
You can customize the inactivity criteria using the !setinactivity
command. Here's an example of how to set the inactivity period to 7 days:
```python @bot.command(name='setinactivity', help='Set the inactivity criteria') @is_admin() async def set_inactivity(ctx, period: int, unit: str): global inactivity_criteria if unit not in ['days', 'minutes']: await ctx.send('Invalid unit. Please specify "days" or "minutes".') return inactivity_criteria[unit] = period await ctx.send(f'Inactivity criteria set to {period} {unit}.')
# Usage: !setinactivity 7 days ```
This command allows administrators to flexibly set the inactivity period in either days or minutes.
Can the Discord Activity Monitor Bot be modified to send warnings before kicking inactive members?
Yes, the Discord Activity Monitor Bot can be modified to send warnings. Here's an example of how you could implement a warning system:
@bot.command(name='warninactive', help='Warn inactive members')
async def warn_inactive(ctx):
# ... [similar code to kick_inactive for identifying inactive members]
for member, last_message_time in inactive_members:
await member.send(f"Warning: You have been inactive in {ctx.guild.name} for more than {criteria} {criteria_type}. Please participate to avoid being kicked.")
await ctx.send(f'Warned {member.name} about inactivity.')
except discord.Forbidden:
await ctx.send(f"Couldn't send a warning to {member.name}. They may have DMs disabled.")
This modification adds a !warninactive
command that sends direct messages to inactive members, warning them about potential removal if they don't participate soon.
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Here's a step-by-step guide for using the Discord Activity Rank & Monitor Bot template that kicks inactive members:
This template provides a Discord bot that monitors member activity within a server. It allows administrators to set inactivity criteria and kick inactive members based on those criteria.
Getting Started
- Click "Start with this Template" to begin using this template in the Lazy Builder interface.
Initial Setup
- Set up the required environment secret:
- In the Lazy Builder, navigate to the Environment Secrets tab.
- Add a new secret with the key
. - To obtain the Discord Bot Token:
- Go to the Discord Developer Portal (https://discord.com/developers/applications).
- Create a new application or select an existing one.
- Navigate to the "Bot" section and click "Add Bot" if you haven't already.
- Under the bot's token, click "Copy" to copy the token.
Paste the copied token as the value for the
secret in Lazy Builder. -
Set up bot permissions on Discord:
- In the Discord Developer Portal, go to your application's "OAuth2" section.
- Under "Scopes", select "bot".
- Under "Bot Permissions", select the following:
- Read Message History
- Kick Members
- Read Messages / View Channels
- Copy the generated OAuth2 URL and use it to invite the bot to your Discord server.
Test the Bot
- Click the "Test" button in the Lazy Builder to deploy and start the bot.
Using the Bot
Once the bot is running, you can use the following commands in your Discord server:
- Set inactivity criteria:
- Use the command
!setinactivity <period> <unit>
is a number<unit>
is either "days" or "minutes"
!setinactivity 3 days
or!setinactivity 30 minutes
Kick inactive members:
- Use the command
to kick members who meet the inactivity criteria.
Note: Only users with administrator permissions in the Discord server can use these commands.
Integrating the Bot
This bot runs as a standalone application within your Discord server. There are no additional integration steps required beyond inviting the bot to your server and using its commands.
Template Benefits
Automated Inactivity Management: This bot streamlines the process of identifying and removing inactive members, saving administrators time and effort in manually tracking user engagement.
Customizable Inactivity Criteria: Administrators can flexibly set and adjust inactivity thresholds in days or minutes, allowing for tailored management of community engagement based on the server's specific needs and activity patterns.
Enhanced Server Performance: By removing inactive members, the server can maintain a more accurate representation of its active user base, potentially improving overall server performance and reducing unnecessary resource allocation.
Improved Community Engagement: The presence of an activity monitor can encourage members to participate more regularly, fostering a more vibrant and active community atmosphere.
Data-Driven Decision Making: The bot provides insights into user activity patterns, enabling administrators to make informed decisions about community management strategies and engagement initiatives.