Xenith Solutions

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from shared import format_pass_type

from shared import calculate_end_date

import os
import discord
from discord import app_commands
from discord.ui import Button, View, Select
from abilities import apply_sqlite_migrations
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from models import Base, engine, Purchase, Transaction, ServerSettings
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy import func, and_

def generate_oauth_link(client_id):
    base_url = "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize"
    redirect_uri = "http://localhost"
    scope = "bot"
    permissions = "8"
    return f"{base_url}?client_id={client_id}&permissions={permissions}&scope={scope}"

from paypal_utils import PayPalAPI

class PaymentMethodView(View):
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Xenith Solutions and how can it benefit my Discord server?

Xenith Solutions is a versatile Discord bot created by discord.gg/cowrine. It offers a range of features to enhance your server's functionality, including premium role management, workout and calorie logging, and customizable server settings. By implementing Xenith Solutions, you can automate tasks, improve user engagement, and create a more interactive community experience.

How does the premium pass system work in Xenith Solutions?

Xenith Solutions includes a robust premium pass system that allows server owners to offer tiered access to exclusive content or features. Users can purchase passes of varying durations (1 day, 1 week, 1 month) or subscribe for continuous access. The bot handles verification of purchases, manages role assignments, and tracks active subscriptions, making it easy to monetize your Discord community.

Can Xenith Solutions help with fitness tracking in my Discord server?

Absolutely! Xenith Solutions includes built-in functionality for tracking workouts and calorie intake. Users can log their exercises and meals directly through Discord commands, and the data is stored in the bot's database. This feature can be particularly useful for fitness-focused communities, allowing members to share their progress and motivate each other.

How can I customize the premium roles in Xenith Solutions?

Xenith Solutions allows for easy customization of premium roles. You can add multiple premium roles per server and even assign colors to them. Here's an example of how you might add a new premium role using SQL:

sql INSERT INTO premium_roles (server_id, role_id, created_at, color) VALUES ('your_server_id', 'your_role_id', datetime('now'), '#FF5733');

This SQL command adds a new premium role with a custom color. You can then use Discord.py commands to assign these roles to users based on their subscription status.

How does Xenith Solutions handle database migrations?

Xenith Solutions uses SQL migration files to manage database schema changes. These files are numbered sequentially (e.g., 001_initial.sql, 002_add_server_settings.sql) and contain SQL commands to update the database structure. When updating Xenith Solutions, you would typically run these migrations in order. Here's an example of a migration file:

sql -- 011_fix_verification_status_case.sql UPDATE purchases SET verification_status = 'PENDING' WHERE verification_status = 'pending'; UPDATE purchases SET verification_status = 'APPROVED' WHERE verification_status = 'approved'; UPDATE purchases SET verification_status = 'REJECTED' WHERE verification_status = 'rejected';

This migration ensures that all verification status values are in uppercase, maintaining consistency in the database. By using this migration system, Xenith Solutions can evolve its database structure over time without losing data or breaking existing functionality.

Created: | Last Updated:

Discord bot made by discord.gg/cowrine

Here's a step-by-step guide for using the Xenith Solutions Discord bot template:


This template provides a Discord bot with various features including sending embed messages, maintaining connection reliability, and integrating with a SQLite database. The bot is designed for administrators to send messages to specific channels and includes a keep-alive mechanism to ensure continuous operation.

Getting Started

  1. Click "Start with this Template" to begin using the Xenith Solutions Discord bot template in Lazy.

Initial Setup

To use this template, you'll need to set up a Discord bot and obtain its token. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal (https://discord.com/developers/applications).
  2. Click "New Application" and give your bot a name.
  3. Navigate to the "Bot" tab and click "Add Bot".
  4. Under the "Token" section, click "Copy" to copy your bot token.
  5. In the Lazy Builder, go to the Environment Secrets tab.
  6. Add a new secret with the key BOT_TOKEN and paste your Discord bot token as the value.

Test the Bot

  1. Click the "Test" button in the Lazy Builder interface to start the deployment process.
  2. The Lazy CLI will appear, showing the bot's startup progress.
  3. Wait for the message "🤖 [Bot Name] is ready!" to appear in the CLI.

Using the Bot

Once the bot is running, you can use the /text command in your Discord server. Here's how:

  1. Invite the bot to your Discord server using the OAuth2 URL from the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. In any channel, type /text and press space.
  3. You'll see prompts for two parameters:
  4. channel: Select the channel where you want to send the message.
  5. message: Type the message you want to send.
  6. Press Enter to send the command.

Note: Only users with administrator permissions can use this command.

Integrating the Bot

This Discord bot doesn't require additional external integration steps. It's ready to use within your Discord server once it's invited and running.

Additional Features

  • The bot includes a connection maintenance feature that automatically attempts to reconnect if disconnected.
  • A Flask web server is included to keep the bot alive, which is useful for hosting on platforms that require periodic HTTP requests to prevent sleep.
  • The template includes a SQLite database setup with models for server settings, purchases, and transactions, which can be extended for additional functionality.

Remember to keep your bot token secret and never share it publicly. If you need to make changes to the bot's functionality, you can modify the code directly in the Lazy Builder interface.

Here are 5 key business benefits for this Discord bot template:

Template Benefits

  1. Enhanced User Engagement: The bot provides interactive features like workout and calorie logging, which can increase user engagement and retention on Discord servers.

  2. Monetization Capabilities: With built-in purchase and subscription management, the template offers a ready-to-use system for monetizing premium features or content.

  3. Automated Administration: The bot includes server settings management and role assignment features, reducing manual administrative work for server owners.

  4. Scalable Architecture: Using SQLAlchemy and a modular database migration system, the template is designed to easily scale and adapt as business needs grow.

  5. Improved Communication: The embedded messaging feature allows administrators to send formatted announcements, enhancing communication within the Discord community.


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