Flask templates

Create Payment Method with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create payment methods for users. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint to create a payment method. The backend makes an API call to create the payment method using the Stripe API. The app displays the payment method ID in an alert after submission. The app allows for the use of test tokens to create payment methods using test cards.

Create Price with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create price objects for users. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint to create a price object. The backend makes an API call to create the price object using the Stripe API. The app displays the price ID after submission.

Connect Payout with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create payouts for Connect Stripe Accouts and allows users to modify the payout schedule. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes API calls to create a transfer of funds and update the payout schedule using the Stripe API and the submitted form data.

Make Your Own Tetris Game

This application combines Flask for the backend with JavaScript for the frontend to create a Tetris game. The Tetris game logic is implemented in JavaScript, including functions for drawing the game board, handling player movements, and managing game mechanics such as scoring and piece rotation. The Flask backend serves the HTML template and provides endpoints for fetching URLs for background music and start screen music. The HTML template includes elements for displaying the Tetris game canvas, as well as buttons for starting the game and toggling music. Additionally, it allows users to adjust the volume of the background music using a range input. Made by BaranDev[https://github.com/BaranDev]

Search Code Repository using GitHub API by Name or User

This application is a GitHub Code Search tool, employing Flask for the backend and JavaScript with the Octokit library for the frontend. Users can input search queries, and the application fetches results from GitHub's code repository using the GitHub API. The Flask backend handles the API requests, while the JavaScript frontend dynamically displays the search results in a table format. The application provides a user-friendly interface for efficiently searching and browsing code hosted on GitHub. You can search by name or by user by customizing this template. Made by BaranDev[https://github.com/BaranDev]

Scrape Data from PDF using Python & Flask

This scraper tool extracts text from PDF files and displays it on a webpage. Built with Python and Flask. Upon running, users receive a link to access the website. Upload a text-based PDF, hit submit, and view the extracted data on an HTML page.

SK1 | Basic Flask Website with HTML and JS

This skeleton is ideal for developers looking to integrate Python, HTML, and JavaScript seamlessly into a single application using Flask such as admin pages, web games, web apps, etc. It facilitates the creation of web-based applications with embedded client-side scripts. This setup is perfect for building full-stack web applications that require interactive elements on the front end while leveraging Python's robust backend capabilities. This skeleton is not a good choice for a backend app.

Snake Game

A powerful app skeleton for a browser based snake game

Flask, HTML, JS and Bootstrap Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer and Bootstrap loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.



Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Flask. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Flask development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Flask apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.