
Test this app for free
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from telegram import Update, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, WebAppInfo, Bot
from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, MessageHandler, filters, ConversationHandler, CallbackContext
import os
import sqlite3
from telegram.error import BadRequest
from threading import Thread
import asyncio
import uuid
import hashlib
import json
from mnemonic import Mnemonic
from bip44 import Wallet
import unicodedata
from bip_utils import Bip39SeedGenerator, Bip39MnemonicValidator, Bip44, Bip44Coins, Bip44Changes
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import datetime
from db import *
from translate import TRANSLATIONS, get_translation
import uvicorn
import threading
from app import app as fastapi_app
from fastapi import FastAPI
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can WebSiteTCA benefit my business?

WebSiteTCA offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to integrate Telegram bot functionality with a web interface. It provides features like user management, wallet integration, and a VIP system, which can help engage customers and create additional revenue streams. The template's multi-language support also allows businesses to reach a global audience effectively.

What are the key features of WebSiteTCA for user engagement?

WebSiteTCA includes several features designed to boost user engagement: - A referral system that encourages users to invite others - A community visualization tool that displays a user's network - A VIP system with daily rewards - An integrated wallet system for managing cryptocurrencies These features work together to create a compelling user experience that can increase retention and user activity.

How does the VIP system in WebSiteTCA work, and how can it be monetized?

The VIP system in WebSiteTCA is designed to incentivize users to upgrade their accounts. Users can become VIP by paying a fee (in this case, 500 units of the platform's currency). VIP users receive daily rewards (5 units per day), which encourages regular engagement. This system can be monetized by: - Charging for VIP upgrades - Offering exclusive features or higher rewards for higher VIP tiers - Creating a marketplace where VIP currency can be used, generating additional revenue

How can I customize the language settings in WebSiteTCA?

WebSiteTCA uses a translation system that allows easy customization of language settings. You can modify the TRANSLATIONS dictionary in the file to add or edit languages. Here's an example of how to add a new language:

python TRANSLATIONS = { # ... existing languages ... "new_language": { "welcome": "Welcome message in new language", "choose_language": "Choose language prompt in new language", # ... add all other necessary translations ... } }

Then, you would need to update the language selection options in the start function in to include the new language.

How does WebSiteTCA handle user authentication and session management?

WebSiteTCA uses Telegram's authentication system for user login. The template doesn't implement its own session management, but instead relies on Telegram's secure authentication. Here's a snippet from the file that shows how user data is retrieved and stored:

```python async def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): telegram_id = username = update.message.from_user.username or "None"

   conn = sqlite3.connect('users.db')
   c = conn.cursor()

   c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE telegram_id = ?', (telegram_id,))
   user = c.fetchone()

   if not user:
       reflink = await generate_reflink(telegram_id, bot_token)
       wallets = generate_wallets(telegram_id)
       wallet_json = json.dumps(wallets)
       initial_balance = 20.0

           INSERT INTO users (telegram_id, username, reflink, balance, wallet) 
           VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
       ''', (telegram_id, username, reflink, initial_balance, wallet_json))


This code checks if a user exists in the database and creates a new user entry if they don't, storing their Telegram ID, username, and other relevant information. The user's Telegram ID serves as the primary identifier for all subsequent interactions.

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Here's a step-by-step guide for using the WebSiteTCAApp template:


The WebSiteTCAApp template provides a customizable web application for managing user accounts, wallets, and community features. This template is ideal for creating a user-centric platform with cryptocurrency-related functionalities.

Getting Started

To begin using this template:

  1. Click the "Start with this Template" button in the Lazy Builder interface.

Initial Setup

This template requires setting up environment variables. In the Lazy Builder, navigate to the Environment Secrets tab and add the following secrets:

  • BOT_TOKEN: Your Telegram bot token. To obtain this:
  • Open Telegram and search for the BotFather.
  • Start a chat and use the /newbot command to create a new bot.
  • Follow the prompts to set a name and username for your bot.
  • Copy the API token provided by BotFather.

  • NGROK_AUTHTOKEN: Your Ngrok authentication token. To get this:

  • Sign up or log in to your Ngrok account at
  • Navigate to the Auth section in your dashboard.
  • Copy your Ngrok auth token.

Test the Application

After setting up the environment secrets:

  1. Click the "Test" button in the Lazy Builder interface.
  2. The Lazy CLI will initiate the deployment process.

Using the Application

Once deployed, the Lazy CLI will provide you with a server link. This link will allow you to access the web application. The application includes the following features:

  • User account management
  • Wallet integration
  • Community features
  • VIP status and benefits
  • Referral system

Integrating with Telegram

To fully utilize the Telegram bot functionality:

  1. Open your Telegram bot chat.
  2. Start the bot by sending the /start command.
  3. The bot will guide you through the account creation process and provide access to various features like checking your wallet, viewing your community, and managing your VIP status.

API Integration

The application also provides a FastAPI backend. After deployment, you'll receive a link to the API documentation (typically ending with /docs). Use this link to explore and interact with the API endpoints.

To integrate the API into other services, you can use the provided server link. Here's a sample request to get user information:

```python import requests

user_id = 123456789 # Replace with actual user ID response = requests.get(f"{user_id}") user_data = response.json() print(user_data) ```

This will return user information in JSON format, including balance, reflink, and VIP status.

By following these steps, you'll have a fully functional web application with Telegram bot integration and API capabilities for managing user accounts, wallets, and community features.

Here are 5 key business benefits of this WebSiteTCA template:

Template Benefits

  1. Integrated Telegram Bot Functionality: The template includes a fully-functional Telegram bot, allowing businesses to engage with customers directly through the popular messaging platform. This enables real-time communication and support.

  2. Multi-Language Support: With built-in translations for multiple languages, the template allows businesses to reach a global audience and provide localized experiences for users from different regions.

  3. User Account Management: The template features a comprehensive user account system, including registration, login, and profile management. This allows businesses to track user data and provide personalized experiences.

  4. Cryptocurrency Integration: The inclusion of cryptocurrency wallet functionality and VIP membership options provides opportunities for businesses in the blockchain and crypto space to offer token-based services and rewards.

  5. Responsive Design: The template is built with responsive design principles, ensuring a seamless experience across desktop and mobile devices. This maximizes reach and usability for all potential customers.


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