Telegram Mini App - Hangman Game

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from utils import print_setup_instructions

from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for, redirect
import os
import logging
import threading
from telegram import Update, WebAppInfo
import telegram
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, CallbackContext, Filters
from web_app_routes import app
from utils import get_bot_username


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

webapp_url = f"{app.config['BASE_URL']}/hangman"

def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
        "Hi! I'm a Telegram Web App. Click the link below to open my simple web app!",
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Playing games in Telegram is fun! Here's a telegram mini web app for playing Hangman. You can modify or build on top of this hangman game however your heart desires!congratulations messages.

Introduction to the Template

Welcome to the Telegram Mini App - Hangman Game template! This template allows you to create a fun Hangman game that can be played directly within the Telegram app. You can modify or build on top of this Hangman game to suit your needs.

Getting Started

To get started with this template, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Start with this Template": This will load the template into the Lazy Builder interface.

Initial Setup

Environment Secrets

This template requires a Telegram API token to function. Follow these steps to set up the required environment secret:

  1. Get a Telegram Bot API Key:

    • Open Telegram and search for "BotFather".
    • Start a chat with BotFather and type /newbot.
    • Follow the prompts to create a new bot.
    • BotFather will provide you with an API key for your new bot.
  2. Set the API Key in Lazy Builder:

    • In the Lazy Builder interface, go to the "Environment Secrets" tab.
    • Add a new secret with the key TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN and paste the API key you received from BotFather.


  1. Press the Test Button: This will deploy the app and launch the Lazy CLI. The CLI will guide you through any required user input.

Entering Input

There is no additional user input required through the CLI for this template.

Using the App

Once the app is deployed, you can interact with it through Telegram and a web interface.

Telegram Bot

  1. Start the Bot:
    • Open Telegram and search for your bot using the username you set up with BotFather.
    • Start a chat with your bot and type /start.
    • The bot will respond with a link to open the Hangman web app.

Web Interface

  1. Access the Web App:
    • The web app can be accessed through the link provided by the Telegram bot.
    • The web app includes the Hangman game interface where you can play the game.

Integrating the App

This app does not require any external integration steps beyond setting up the Telegram bot. The game can be played directly within Telegram and through the provided web interface.


You have now set up and deployed the Telegram Mini App - Hangman Game! Enjoy playing and feel free to modify or build on top of this template to create your own unique game experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, refer to the documentation or reach out to the Lazy support team.


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