by ips
Streamlit app with sample data
import streamlit as st
# Use st.cache_data for caching to avoid deprecation warning
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pydeck as pdk
import as px
def load_data():
# Sample data generation
dates = pd.date_range('20230101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,4), index=dates, columns=list('ABCD'))
return df
def main():
st.title("Dashboard with Cool Graphs and Maps")
df = load_data()
st.write("### Sample Data")
st.write("### Line Chart")
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Streamlit Dashboard Template
This template creates an interactive dashboard using Streamlit that displays sample data through various visualizations including line charts and maps. The dashboard shows both 2D and 3D map visualizations along with sample data in a clean, organized layout.
Getting Started
- Click "Start with this Template" to begin using this template in the Lazy Builder interface
Test the App
- Click the "Test" button to deploy and launch the application
- Once deployed, you'll receive a dedicated URL to access your dashboard
Using the Dashboard
The dashboard contains several interactive sections:
- Sample Data Table: Displays randomly generated time series data
- Line Chart: Visualizes the sample data trends over time
- 3D Map: Shows a hexagon layer visualization centered around San Francisco
- Regular Map: Displays a standard 2D map view of the same data points
The dashboard is fully interactive - you can:
- Hover over data points in the charts
- Zoom and pan in both map views
- Rotate and adjust the 3D map perspective
This template provides a foundation that you can customize with your own data and visualization preferences by modifying the data loading function and chart parameters.
Template Benefits
- Real-Time Data Visualization
- Enables instant visualization of complex business data through interactive charts and maps
Helps stakeholders make data-driven decisions quickly by presenting information in an easily digestible format
Location-Based Analytics
- Features built-in mapping capabilities for geographical data analysis
Perfect for businesses tracking regional sales, customer distribution, or supply chain logistics
Rapid Prototyping & Development
- Minimal code required to create professional-looking dashboards
Reduces development time from weeks to hours for basic business intelligence tools
Cost-Effective Business Intelligence
- Provides enterprise-level visualization capabilities at a fraction of the cost of commercial BI tools
Open-source nature eliminates expensive licensing fees
Flexible Data Integration
- Easy integration with various data sources and formats
- Supports real-time updates and automated data refreshes for always-current business metrics