Create Repository from Template using GitHub API

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from flask import Flask, render_template
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

def root_route():
    return render_template('template.html', github_token=os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN', ''))

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8080)
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can businesses benefit from using this GitHub Repository Creator?

The Create Repository from Template using GitHub API app offers several benefits for businesses: - Streamlines the process of creating new projects based on standardized templates - Ensures consistency across multiple projects or teams - Saves time by automating repository setup with predefined structures and configurations - Facilitates best practices and code standards across the organization

Can this template be customized for specific industry needs?

Absolutely! The Create Repository from Template using GitHub API app is highly adaptable. Businesses can customize it by: - Modifying the search query to focus on industry-specific template repositories - Adjusting the UI to match company branding - Adding additional metadata or categorization for templates - Integrating with other internal tools or workflows

How does this tool improve collaboration in software development teams?

This GitHub Repository Creator enhances collaboration by: - Providing a centralized platform for accessing and using approved templates - Ensuring all team members start projects with consistent structures - Facilitating knowledge sharing through standardized project setups - Reducing onboarding time for new team members by providing ready-to-use project templates

How can I modify the template to display additional repository information?

You can easily extend the displayRepos function in script.js to show more details. For example, to display the number of stars and the primary language:

javascript function displayRepos(repos) { const container = document.getElementById('repo-container'); repos.forEach(repo => { if (!displayedRepoIds.has( { const repoElement = document.createElement('div'); repoElement.className = 'repo'; repoElement.innerHTML = ` <h3>${}</h3> <p>${repo.description}</p> <p>Stars: ${repo.stargazers_count} | Language: ${repo.language || 'N/A'}</p> <button class="button" onclick="createRepo('${repo.owner.login}', '${}')">Create from template</button> `; container.appendChild(repoElement); displayedRepoIds.add(; } }); }

How can I implement error handling for API rate limiting in this template?

To handle API rate limiting, you can modify the fetchTemplateRepos function in script.js to check for rate limit errors and provide appropriate feedback. Here's an example:

javascript async function fetchTemplateRepos() { try { const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: token }); const response = await octokit.request('GET /search/repositories', { q: 'topic:template-repository', sort: 'stars', order: 'desc', per_page: 100, page: currentPage }); // ... existing code ... } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching template repositories:', error); if (error.status === 403 && error.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'] === '0') { const resetTime = new Date(error.headers['x-ratelimit-reset'] * 1000); document.getElementById('error').textContent = `API rate limit exceeded. Resets at ${resetTime.toLocaleTimeString()}.`; } else { document.getElementById('error').textContent = 'Failed to load template repositories: ' + error.message; } } }

This modification checks for a 403 status code and a rate limit header, providing a more informative message to the user when the rate limit is exceeded.

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This app utilizes Flask for the backend and JavaScript with Octokit for the frontend. It allows users to browse GitHub repositories tagged with 'template-repository', displaying them with options to create new repositories from selected templates. The Flask backend serves the HTML template, passing along a GitHub token securely. The frontend fetches repositories from GitHub, displaying them dynamically and enabling users to create new repositories based on selected templates, all while maintaining a modern and responsive user interface. Made by BaranDev[]

Introduction to the GitHub Repository Creation Template

Welcome to the GitHub Repository Creation Template on Lazy! This template is designed to streamline the process of creating a new GitHub repository from an existing template repository. It utilizes the GitHub API and the Octokit.js library to fetch template repositories and allows you to create a new repository with just a few clicks. This is perfect for builders who want to quickly start a new project without the hassle of setting up everything from scratch.

Getting Started

To begin using this template, simply click on "Start with this Template" on the Lazy platform. This will pre-populate the code in the Lazy Builder interface, so you won't need to copy, paste, or delete any code.

Initial Setup

Before you can use this template, you'll need to set up a GitHub token as an environment secret within the Lazy Builder. This token will allow the app to interact with the GitHub API on your behalf.

  • Go to your GitHub account settings.
  • Under Developer settings, click on Personal access tokens.
  • Generate a new token with the necessary scopes (e.g., 'repo' for full control of private repositories).
  • Copy the generated token.
  • In the Lazy Builder, navigate to the Environment Secrets tab.
  • Create a new secret with the key 'GITHUB_TOKEN' and paste your GitHub token as the value.


Once you have set up your GitHub token, press the "Test" button on the Lazy platform. This will deploy the app and launch the Lazy CLI.

Entering Input

If the template requires user input, the Lazy App's CLI interface will prompt you to provide it after pressing the "Test" button. Follow the instructions in the CLI to enter the necessary information.

Using the App

After deployment, Lazy will provide you with a dedicated server link to use the app. If the app has a frontend interface, you can interact with it through this link. You will be able to view a list of template repositories and create a new repository from a template of your choice.

Integrating the App

If you need to integrate the newly created repository with other tools or services, you can do so by adding the repository's URL to those tools. For example, you might want to set up continuous integration or deployment services, or add the repository as a submodule in another project.

Remember, all the deployment and environment setup is handled by Lazy, so you can focus on building your software application without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, refer to the GitHub REST API documentation for more details on the GitHub API.

Happy building with Lazy!

Here are 5 key business benefits for this template:

Template Benefits

  1. Streamlined Project Initiation: Enables rapid creation of new projects based on pre-configured templates, significantly reducing setup time and ensuring consistency across projects.

  2. Enhanced Productivity: Allows teams to quickly access and deploy best-practice project structures, accelerating development cycles and improving overall efficiency.

  3. Standardization of Processes: Promotes the use of standardized project templates across an organization, ensuring adherence to best practices and maintaining code quality.

  4. Improved Onboarding: Simplifies the onboarding process for new team members by providing them with a user-friendly interface to access and use approved project templates.

  5. Centralized Template Management: Offers a centralized platform for managing and distributing project templates, making it easier for organizations to update and maintain their standard project structures.


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