by moonboy

Basic super mario

Test this app for free
import logging
from import BaseApplication
from app_init import create_initialized_flask_app

# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Flask app creation should be done by create_initialized_flask_app to avoid circular dependency problems.
app = create_initialized_flask_app()

class StandaloneApplication(BaseApplication):
    def __init__(self, app, options=None):
        self.application = app
        self.options = options or {}

    def load_config(self):
        # Apply configuration to Gunicorn
        for key, value in self.options.items():
            if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None:
                self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value)

    def load(self):
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can this Basic Super Mario game template be used for business applications?

The Basic Super Mario game template can be adapted for various business applications, such as: - Employee onboarding: Customize the game to guide new hires through company policies and procedures. - Product training: Modify the game to showcase product features and benefits in an interactive way. - Brand awareness: Rebrand the game with your company's logo and theme to create an engaging marketing tool.

By leveraging the familiar gameplay of Super Mario, businesses can create memorable and interactive experiences for their audience.

What are the potential monetization strategies for this Basic Super Mario game template?

There are several ways to monetize this game template: - In-app purchases: Offer power-ups, custom characters, or additional levels for a fee. - Ad integration: Implement non-intrusive ads between levels or game sessions. - Subscription model: Provide exclusive content or ad-free gameplay for subscribers. - Branded partnerships: Collaborate with other companies to include their products as in-game items.

The Basic Super Mario template provides a solid foundation that can be expanded upon to implement these monetization strategies.

How can the Basic Super Mario game template be used for educational purposes?

The Basic Super Mario game template can be adapted for educational use in several ways: - Math skills: Replace coins with numbers or equations to solve. - Language learning: Incorporate vocabulary words or phrases to collect instead of coins. - Historical events: Customize levels to represent different time periods or historical events. - Science concepts: Modify enemies and obstacles to represent scientific principles or elements.

By leveraging the engaging nature of the Basic Super Mario template, educators can create interactive learning experiences that make education more enjoyable for students.

How can I add a new power-up to the Basic Super Mario game?

To add a new power-up to the Basic Super Mario game, you'll need to modify the game.js file. Here's an example of how you might add a "speed boost" power-up:

```javascript // Add to game state let powerUps = { speedBoost: false };

// Add to update function function update() { // ... existing code ...

 if (powerUps.speedBoost) {
   MOVEMENT_SPEED = 10; // Increased speed
 } else {
   MOVEMENT_SPEED = 5; // Normal speed

 // ... rest of update function ...


// Add a function to check for power-up collision function checkPowerUpCollision(powerUp) { return player.x < powerUp.x + powerUp.width && player.x + player.width > powerUp.x && player.y < powerUp.y + powerUp.height && player.y + player.height > powerUp.y; }

// In the main game loop, add: if (checkPowerUpCollision(speedBoostPowerUp)) { powerUps.speedBoost = true; setTimeout(() => { powerUps.speedBoost = false; }, 5000); // 5-second duration } ```

This code adds a speed boost power-up that increases the player's speed for 5 seconds when collected.

How can I modify the enemy behavior in the Basic Super Mario game?

To modify enemy behavior in the Basic Super Mario game, you'll need to update the updateEnemiesAndCollisions function in game.js. Here's an example of how you could make enemies jump:

```javascript function updateEnemiesAndCollisions() { if (gameState.isComplete || gameState.isGameOver) return;

 enemies.forEach(enemy => {
   if (!enemy.defeated) {
     // Update enemy position
     enemy.x += enemy.velocityX;
     enemy.y += enemy.velocityY;

     // Apply gravity
     enemy.velocityY += GRAVITY;

     // Make enemy jump randomly
     if (Math.random() < 0.01 && enemy.y === canvas.height - 40 - enemy.height) {
       enemy.velocityY = -10; // Jump force

     // Check ground collision
     if (enemy.y > canvas.height - 40 - enemy.height) {
       enemy.y = canvas.height - 40 - enemy.height;
       enemy.velocityY = 0;

     // Check patrol boundaries
     if (enemy.x <= enemy.patrolStart || enemy.x >= enemy.patrolEnd) {
       enemy.velocityX *= -1; // Reverse direction

     // Check collision with player
     if (checkEnemyCollision(enemy)) {
       if (player.velocityY > 0) {
         enemy.defeated = true;
         player.velocityY = JUMP_FORCE / 2; // Bounce off enemy
       } else {
         gameState.isGameOver = true;

} ```

This modification adds jumping behavior to enemies, making them more challenging to avoid. The Basic Super Mario template's modular structure allows for easy customization of game mechanics like this.

Created: | Last Updated:

Super mario game with basic graphics one level, coins, enemies.

Here's a step-by-step guide for using the Basic Super Mario template in Lazy:


This template provides a basic Super Mario-style game with one level, coins, and enemies. It features simple graphics and gameplay mechanics, allowing you to create a fun, nostalgic gaming experience.

Getting Started

To begin using this template:

  1. Click the "Start with this Template" button in the Lazy interface.

Test the Application

Once you've started with the template:

  1. Click the "Test" button in the Lazy interface.
  2. Wait for the deployment process to complete.
  3. Lazy will provide you with a dedicated server link to access your game.

Using the Game

After deployment, you can play the game by following these steps:

  1. Open the provided server link in your web browser.
  2. On the home page, click the "Start Game" button to begin playing.
  3. Use the following controls to play the game:
  4. Arrow keys or A/D keys: Move left and right
  5. Up arrow, Spacebar, or W key: Jump
  6. Collect coins to increase your score.
  7. Avoid or jump on enemies to defeat them.
  8. Reach the green tunnel at the end of the level to complete the game.

Mobile Controls

For mobile devices, the game provides on-screen touch controls:

  • Left arrow button: Move left
  • Right arrow button: Move right
  • Jump button: Make the character jump

Customizing the Game

To customize the game, you can modify the following files in the Lazy Builder interface:

  • game.js: Adjust game mechanics, player properties, and enemy behavior.
  • styles.css: Modify the game's visual appearance and layout.
  • home.html and game.html: Change the structure of the home and game pages.

Remember to test your changes by clicking the "Test" button after making modifications.

By following these steps, you'll have a functioning Super Mario-style game that you can play and customize using the Lazy platform.

Template Benefits

  1. Educational Tool: This template can be used as an interactive learning resource for coding beginners, demonstrating basic game development concepts, HTML5 canvas manipulation, and JavaScript programming.

  2. Brand Engagement: Companies can customize this game template with their own branding elements to create an engaging, nostalgic experience for customers, potentially increasing time spent on their website and brand recall.

  3. Marketing Campaign Base: The template serves as a foundation for creating promotional games or contests, allowing businesses to gamify their marketing efforts and increase customer participation.

  4. Prototype for Game Developers: Game development studios or indie developers can use this as a rapid prototyping tool to test game mechanics, level design concepts, or user engagement before investing in more complex development.

  5. Employee Training and Team Building: Organizations can adapt this template to create custom games for employee onboarding, training scenarios, or team-building exercises, making the learning process more interactive and enjoyable.


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