by pagejemma32
Snake Browser Game
import logging
from flask import Flask, render_template
from import BaseApplication
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
app = Flask(__name__)
def root_route():
return render_template("template.html")
class StandaloneApplication(BaseApplication):
def __init__(self, app, options=None):
self.application = app
self.options = options or {}
def load_config(self):
config = {
Frequently Asked Questions
How can this Snake Browser Game template be monetized?
The Snake Browser Game template offers several monetization opportunities: - Implement in-game purchases for power-ups or cosmetic changes to the snake - Include non-intrusive ads between game sessions - Offer a premium version with additional features or ad-free gameplay - Use the game as a promotional tool for a larger gaming platform or brand
What industries or businesses could benefit from incorporating this Snake Browser Game?
The Snake Browser Game template can be valuable for various industries: - Educational institutions: Use it as a fun learning tool for coding classes - Gaming websites: Add it to their collection of browser games - Corporate websites: Implement it as a stress-relief activity for employees - Marketing campaigns: Customize the game for product promotions or brand awareness
How can the Snake Browser Game template be adapted for team-building exercises?
The Snake Browser Game can be modified for team-building in several ways: - Implement a multiplayer mode for collaborative play - Create custom levels that require teamwork to complete - Add a leaderboard to foster friendly competition among team members - Incorporate company-specific themes or branding elements
How can I add a pause functionality to the Snake Browser Game?
The template already includes a pause button. To implement the pause functionality, you can modify the pauseButton
event listener in the snake.js
document.getElementById('pauseButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
if (gameRunning) {
gameRunning = false;
} else {
gameRunning = true;
This code toggles the game state between running and paused, clearing the game loop timeout when paused and restarting it when resumed.
How can I adjust the difficulty of the Snake Browser Game?
To adjust the difficulty, you can modify the gameSpeed
variable in the snake.js
file. A lower value will make the game faster and more challenging. You can also implement a difficulty selection feature:
```javascript let gameSpeed = 100; // Default speed
function setDifficulty(level) { switch(level) { case 'easy': gameSpeed = 120; break; case 'medium': gameSpeed = 100; break; case 'hard': gameSpeed = 80; break; } }
// Call this function when the user selects a difficulty level // For example: setDifficulty('hard'); ```
You can then add difficulty selection buttons to the HTML template and call the setDifficulty
function accordingly.
Created: | Last Updated:
Introduction to the Snake Browser Game Template
This template provides a simple browser-based Snake game built using Flask for the backend and JavaScript for the frontend. The game includes features such as starting, pausing, and restarting the game, as well as tracking the score and high score.
Getting Started
To get started with this template, click Start with this Template.
After starting with the template, press the Test button. This will deploy the app and launch the Lazy CLI. The CLI will guide you through any required user input.
Using the App
Once the app is deployed, you can interact with the Snake game through the web interface. Here are the steps to use the app:
- Start the Game: Click the Start button to begin the game.
- Control the Snake: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to control the direction of the snake.
- Pause the Game: Click the Pause button to pause the game. Click it again to resume.
- Restart the Game: Click the Restart button to restart the game from the beginning.
- Game Over: If the snake collides with the wall or itself, the game will end, and a "Game Over" message will be displayed. Click the Restart button to play again.
Code Overview
This file contains the HTML structure of the game, including the canvas for the game, buttons for controlling the game, and elements for displaying the score and high score.
Snake Game
This file sets up the Flask application and serves the HTML template.
```python import logging from flask import Flask, render_template from import BaseApplication
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(name)
app = Flask(name)
@app.route("/") def root_route(): return render_template("template.html")
class StandaloneApplication(BaseApplication): def init(self, app, options=None): self.application = app self.options = options or {} super().init()
def load_config(self):
config = {
key: value
for key, value in self.options.items()
if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None
for key, value in config.items():
self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value)
def load(self):
return self.application
if name == "main": options = {"bind": "%s:%s" % ("", "8080"), "workers": 4, "loglevel": "info"} StandaloneApplication(app, options).run() ```
This file contains the JavaScript code for the Snake game, including the game logic, controls, and rendering.
```javascript const canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let snake = [{x: 150, y: 150}, {x: 140, y: 150}, {x: 130, y: 150}, {x: 120, y: 150}, {x: 110, y: 150}]; let dx = 10; let dy = 0; let foodX; let foodY; let score = 0; let changingDirection = false; let gameSpeed = 100; let highScore = localStorage.getItem('highScore') || 0; let gameRunning = false;
function clearCanvas() { ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); }
function drawSnakePart(snakePart) { ctx.fillStyle = 'lightgreen'; ctx.strokeStyle = 'darkgreen'; ctx.fillRect(snakePart.x, snakePart.y, 10, 10); ctx.strokeRect(snakePart.x, snakePart.y, 10, 10); }
function drawSnake() { snake.forEach(drawSnakePart); }
function advanceSnake() { const head = {x: snake[0].x + dx, y: snake[0].y + dy}; snake.unshift(head); const didEatFood = snake[0].x === foodX && snake[0].y === foodY; if (didEatFood) { score += 10; document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = 'Score: ' + score; if (score > highScore) { highScore = score; localStorage.setItem('highScore', highScore); document.getElementById('highScore').innerHTML = 'High Score: ' + highScore; } createFood(); } else { snake.pop(); } }
function changeDirection(event) { const LEFT_KEY = 37; const RIGHT_KEY = 39; const UP_KEY = 38; const DOWN_KEY = 40;
if (changingDirection) return; changingDirection = true;
const keyPressed = event.keyCode; const goingUp = dy === -10; const goingDown = dy === 10; const goingRight = dx === 10; const goingLeft = dx === -10;
if (keyPressed === LEFT_KEY && !goingRight) { dx = -10; dy = 0; } if (keyPressed === UP_KEY && !goingDown) { dx = 0; dy = -10; } if (keyPressed === RIGHT_KEY && !goingLeft) { dx = 10; dy = 0; } if (keyPressed === DOWN_KEY && !goingUp) { dx = 0; dy = 10; } }
function randomTen(min, max) { return Math.round((Math.random() * (max-min) + min) / 10) * 10; }
function createFood() { foodX = randomTen(0, canvas.width - 10); foodY = randomTen(0, canvas.height - 10); snake.forEach(function isFoodOnSnake(part) { const foodIsOnSnake = part.x == foodX && part.y == foodY; if (foodIsOnSnake) createFood(); }); }
function drawFood() { ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; ctx.fillRect(foodX, foodY, 10, 10); }
let timeout; // Define timeout variable globally function main() { if (didGameEnd()) { showGameOver(); return; }
changingDirection = false; timeout = setTimeout(function onTick() { // Assign the timeout to the global variable clearCanvas(); drawFood(); advanceSnake(); drawSnake(); main(); }, gameSpeed); }
function showGameOver() { gameRunning = false; document.getElementById('gameOver').style.display = 'block'; }
function didGameEnd() { for (let i = 4; i < snake.length; i++) { const didCollide = snake[i].x === snake[0].x && snake[i].y === snake[0].y if (didCollide) return true } const hitLeftWall = snake[0].x < 0; const hitRightWall = snake[0].x > canvas.width - 10; const hitToTopWall = snake[0].y < 0; const hitToBottomWall = snake[0].y > canvas.height - 10; return hitLeftWall || hitRightWall || hitToTopWall || hitToBottomWall }
document.addEventListener("keydown", changeDirection); document.getElementById('startButton').addEventListener('click', function() { if (!gameRunning) { gameRunning = true; document.getElementById('gameOver').style.display = 'none'; snake = [{x: 150, y: 150}, {x: 140, y: 150}, {x: 130, y: 150}, {x: 120, y: 150}, {x: 110, y: 150}]; dx = 10; dy = 0; score = 0; document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = 'Score: ' + score; createFood(); main(); } }); document.getElementById('pauseButton').addEventListener('click', function() { if (gameRunning) { clearTimeout(timeout); gameRunning = false; } else { gameRunning = true; main(); } }); document.getElementById('restartButton').addEventListener('click', function() { location.reload(); });
createFood(); ```
This file lists the dependencies required for the Flask application.
This template provides a fully functional Snake game that you can deploy and play in your browser. Follow the steps above to start, pause, and restart the game, and enjoy playing!
Here are 5 key business benefits for this Snake Game template:
Template Benefits
Employee Engagement Tool: Companies can use this game as a fun break activity for employees, promoting stress relief and improving workplace morale.
Brand Awareness: Businesses can customize the game with their branding and use it as an interactive element on their website to increase visitor engagement and time spent on site.
Lead Generation: By adding a simple form before or after gameplay, companies can collect user information for marketing purposes.
Training and Skill Development: The game can be adapted to teach concepts like strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and hand-eye coordination, making it useful for certain job training scenarios.
Marketing Campaign Element: Businesses can incorporate the game into marketing campaigns, offering prizes or discounts based on high scores, thus driving customer interaction and loyalty.