Multi Product Landing Page with Navigation

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from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse

app = FastAPI()

html_content = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-4bw+/aepP/YC94hEpVNVgiZdgIC5+VKNBQNGCHeKRQN+PtmoHDEXuppvnDJzQIu9" crossorigin="anonymous">
    <title>Landing Page with Product Cards and Navigation</title>
    <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
        <div class="container">
            <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>
            <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarNav" aria-controls="navbarNav" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
                <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
            <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav">
                <ul class="navbar-nav">
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can this Multi Product Landing Page template benefit my e-commerce business?

The Multi Product Landing Page template is an excellent tool for showcasing multiple products or services in an attractive, organized manner. It provides a clean, professional layout that can help increase customer engagement and potentially boost sales. The template's responsive design ensures that your products are displayed effectively on various devices, which is crucial for reaching a wider audience in today's mobile-first world.

Can I customize the product information and images in this template?

Yes, you can easily customize the product information and images in the Multi Product Landing Page template. The template uses a loop to generate six product cards, but you can modify this to display any number of products. To customize the content, you would need to replace the placeholder text and random images with your actual product data. This can be done by modifying the HTML content string in the Python code or by integrating with a database to dynamically populate the product information.

How can I add a contact form or call-to-action section to this landing page?

Adding a contact form or call-to-action (CTA) section to the Multi Product Landing Page can significantly enhance user engagement. You can incorporate these elements by modifying the HTML content. For example, you could add a CTA section below the product grid:


Ready to get started?

Contact Us Now


For a contact form, you'd need to add the form HTML and handle form submissions in your FastAPI application.

Is it possible to add more pages to this template, like individual product pages?

Absolutely! The Multi Product Landing Page template can be expanded to include additional pages. To add more pages, you would need to create new route handlers in your FastAPI application and corresponding HTML templates. For example, to add individual product pages:

```python @app.get("/product/{product_id}", response_class=HTMLResponse) def product_page(product_id: int): # Fetch product details based on product_id product = get_product_details(product_id)

   # Render product page template
   template = Template(product_page_html)
   return template.render(product=product)


You would then create a new HTML template for the product page and update the "View Details" buttons to link to these new pages.

How can I integrate this landing page with my existing marketing strategy?

The Multi Product Landing Page template can be a valuable asset in your marketing strategy. You can use it as a central hub for your product promotions, linking to it from your social media campaigns, email marketing, and paid advertisements. The clean, professional design of the template makes it ideal for showcasing special offers or new product launches. Additionally, you can optimize the page content for SEO to improve organic search visibility. Consider adding social sharing buttons to encourage visitors to spread the word about your products, further extending your marketing reach.

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This app will create a simple multi product landing page with updated Bootstrap styles, incl. a grid of 6 product cards with random content, and a navigation bar using FastAPI.

Introduction to the Multi Product Landing Page Template

Welcome to the Multi Product Landing Page template! This template is designed to help you quickly create a landing page featuring multiple products, complete with a navigation bar and styled with Bootstrap. It's perfect for showcasing your products in a professional and visually appealing way. The template is built using FastAPI, which means you'll also have access to a backend API to serve your landing page.

Getting Started

To begin using this template, simply click on "Start with this Template" on the Lazy platform. This will pre-populate the code in the Lazy Builder interface, so you won't need to copy, paste, or delete any code manually.

Test: Deploying the App

Once you have the template loaded in the Lazy Builder, you can proceed to test and deploy your app. Press the "Test" button to start the deployment process. The Lazy CLI will handle the deployment, and you won't need to worry about installing libraries or setting up your environment.

Using the App

After pressing the "Test" button and the deployment is complete, Lazy will provide you with a dedicated server link. You can use this link to view your landing page in a web browser. The page will display a navigation bar at the top and a grid of six product cards with random images and descriptions.

If you need to make any changes to the HTML content, you can do so directly within the Lazy Builder interface. The changes will be reflected when you redeploy the app using the "Test" button.

Integrating the App

If you wish to integrate this landing page into an external service or frontend, you may need to use the server link provided by Lazy. For example, if you're embedding the landing page within another website, you would insert an iframe with the server link as the source.

Here's a sample code snippet for embedding the landing page:

<iframe src="YOUR_LAZY_SERVER_LINK" width="100%" height="600"></iframe> Replace "YOUR_LAZY_SERVER_LINK" with the actual link provided by Lazy. This will embed the landing page into your existing website or service.

If you're using the API functionality of FastAPI, Lazy will also provide you with a link to the API documentation. This can be useful if you want to interact with the backend API directly or integrate it with other services.

Remember, all the deployment and server management is handled by Lazy, so you can focus on customizing and integrating your landing page as needed.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, the Lazy customer support team is here to help you make the most out of this template.

Here are 5 key business benefits for this template:

Template Benefits

  1. Rapid Prototyping: This template allows businesses to quickly create and deploy a professional-looking landing page for multiple products, enabling faster market testing and product launches.

  2. Scalable Product Showcase: The dynamic generation of product cards using a loop makes it easy to showcase any number of products without manually coding each card, saving time and effort in content management.

  3. Responsive Design: Utilizing Bootstrap's responsive grid system ensures that the landing page looks great on all devices, from mobile phones to desktops, maximizing reach and user experience.

  4. Easy Customization: The use of Jinja2 templating allows for easy customization of content and layout, enabling businesses to quickly adapt the page for different product lines or marketing campaigns.

  5. SEO-Friendly Structure: The semantic HTML structure and use of proper heading tags (h1, h5) provides a solid foundation for search engine optimization, potentially improving the page's visibility in search results.


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