How to Get All Videos from Channel via Youtube API

Start with this template
import logging
import os
import requests
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from fastapi import Body  # Add missing import
from some_get_request_handler import handle_get_endpoint
from some_post_request_handler import handle_post_endpoint, Data

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

app = FastAPI()

@app.get("/", include_in_schema=False)
def root():
    return RedirectResponse(url='/docs')

# Importing ChannelData class from
from youtube_trending_videos import get_videos_from_channel, ChannelData"/channel/videos/")(get_videos_from_channel)
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How to Get All Videos from Channel via Youtube API

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Introduction to the Template

Welcome to the "How to Get All Videos from a Channel via YouTube API" template guide. This template is designed to help you create an application that fetches all videos from a specified YouTube channel using the YouTube Data API. The application provides two FastAPI endpoints: one to get videos using a channel ID and another to get videos using a YouTube channel URL. The details of the videos, such as ID, title, description, link, and published date, are returned in a structured format.

Clicking Start with this Template

To begin using this template, click on the "Start with this Template" button. This will pre-populate the code in the Lazy Builder interface, so you won't need to copy, paste, or delete any code manually.

Initial Setup

Before you can use the application, you need to set up an environment secret for the YouTube API key. Here's how to obtain and set up your YouTube API key:

  • Go to the Google Developers Console.
  • Create a new project or select an existing one.
  • Enable the YouTube Data API v3 for your project.
  • Go to the "Credentials" section and create a new API key.
  • Copy the API key you just created.
  • In the Lazy Builder interface, navigate to the Environment Secrets tab.
  • Create a new secret with the key `YOUTUBE_API_KEY` and paste your YouTube API key as the value.

Test: Pressing the Test Button

Once you have set up your environment secret, press the "Test" button. This will deploy your application on the Lazy platform and launch the Lazy CLI.

Using the App

After pressing the "Test" button, Lazy will provide you with a dedicated server link to use the API. Additionally, since this template uses FastAPI, you will also be provided with a link to the FastAPI documentation, which includes interactive API documentation at the `/docs` endpoint.

To interact with the API, you can use the provided server link. For example, to get videos from a channel using the channel ID, you would send a POST request to the `/channel/videos` endpoint with a JSON body containing the channel ID:

{   "channel_id": "UC_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw" } Similarly, to get videos from a channel using the channel URL, you would send a POST request to the `/channel/videos/by-url` endpoint with a JSON body containing the channel URL:

{   "channel_url": "" } Here's a sample response you might receive when fetching videos:

{   "videos": [     {       "video_id": "aBcDeFgHiJk",       "title": "Example Video Title",       "description": "This is an example description of a video.",       "video_link": "",       "published_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"     },     // ... more videos   ] }

Integrating the App

If you wish to integrate this application with other services or frontends, you can use the server link provided by Lazy to send requests from your external tool. Ensure that you handle the API responses appropriately within your service or frontend to display the video data to your users.

Remember, all the deployment and environment setup is handled by Lazy, so you can focus on building and integrating your application without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.


Fast API Fast API
Python Python
Youtube Youtube