Twilio templates

Phone Number Lookup with Twilio API

The Phone Number Lookup with Twilio API app allows users to input a phone number using a command line prompt. The app validates phone numbers in international format and uses the Twilio API to fetch information such as carrier and country. If a phone number is not found, the app outputs that the number does not exist. The app has been updated to use the latest Twilio API endpoints and handle any errors that may occur.

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Twilio WhatsApp ChatBot Template (uses LLM prompt)

The WhatsApp Bot Builder app allows users to create a WhatsApp bot that responds to every message with "Hello World".

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WhatsApp ChatBot Template with customer chat api (Twilio, InstantChat)

Build a WhatApp chatbot using Twilio, Discord and LazyAI.

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Receive SMS with Twilio SMS API

This app allows users to receive SMS messages using the Twilio SMS API and generate custom responses based on the received message. Users can set a Twilio number to receive the SMS messages and customize responses for specific keywords or phrases. Users can use the URL endpoint generated from this app as a Webhook URL on their Twilio number's messaging configuration so that received messages can be forwarded to this app.

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Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Twilio. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Twilio development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Twilio apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.