HTML templates

QR Redirector App

The QR Redirector App now asks for the iOS and Android URLs on startup, detects the user's device type, and displays a QR code that redirects to the respective store URL within an HTML page.

Web Based Chatbot with LLM

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place suitable for creating a chatbot. It uses tailwind and llm.

FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.

Flask, HTML, JS and Bootstrap Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer and Bootstrap loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.

Job Search Website

A customisable one-page job search website with a search bar and a search button that displays UI cards of matching jobs. You need to have a (free) account on to get the API key required for this to work.

FALLBACK LATEST 1 THEME | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.

Snake Game

A powerful app skeleton for a browser based snake game

Get (List) All Repositories using GitHub API

This application utilizes Flask for the backend to fetch GitHub repositories of a specified user or organization. The frontend is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a simple user interface for inputting the GitHub username or organization. Upon submission, the backend fetches the repositories using the GitHub API and renders the results dynamically on the frontend. Users can also reset the table to clear the displayed repositories. Additionally, error handling is implemented to handle cases where no repositories are found or there is an issue with the GitHub API token. Made by BaranDev[]

FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.



Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for HTML. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional HTML development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create HTML apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.