Jilanee is in the top 0.6% of Lazy Devs in App Reversions
A Shopping bot built with Lazy that takes as input pricetags scanned at a supermarket using appsheet. The data interfacing between Lazy and appsheet is done via a google sheet csv. (Some magic is done in lazy with llm to rebuild the dataset from only ocrtext field in the csv file of the price tag photos )
This app takes a YouTube video URL makes a transcript, summarises it and writes and article to publish. Cool if you do not want to watch a video a get a quick update on what's happening.
This app is two fold it loads brain scan images for training the llm with a tag field for healthy and diseased brain and it can take an a random brain scan image as input to analyse and provide a diagnosis of brain scan for healthy or diseased. (Need to find a clinic to vet the app fully). 8 images in the database does provide some a good starting point.)
This app loads an artist with the photos, collection of Spotify, Youtube contents in one single place and links to various social media of the artist
This app uses my main F1 app and via an endpoint summarises the Live Ranking of ongoing Formula1 race events and sends it over to pushover subscribers of the app.