Discord Ticketbot Template

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import discord
from discord import app_commands
import os

intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.messages = True
intents.message_content = True

bot = discord.Client(intents=intents, activity=discord.CustomActivity("!help"))
bot_token = os.environ.get('DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN')

tree = app_commands.CommandTree(bot)

async def on_ready():
    print(f'Logged in as {bot.user.name}')
    await tree.sync()
    client_id = os.environ.get('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID')
    if client_id:
        invite_link = f"https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={client_id}&scope=bot&permissions=8"
        print(f"Invite your bot using this link: {invite_link}")
        print("DISCORD_CLIENT_ID is not set in the environment variables.")
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can this Discord Ticketbot Template benefit my business or organization?

The Discord Ticketbot Template offers several benefits for businesses and organizations: - Streamlines customer support by automating ticket creation - Organizes support requests into dedicated channels for better management - Improves response times and customer satisfaction - Provides a professional appearance with customizable embed panels - Easily scalable for growing communities or businesses

Can I customize the Discord Ticketbot Template to match my brand?

Absolutely! The Discord Ticketbot Template is fully customizable. You can modify the embed colors, text, and button styles to match your brand. For example, you can change the embed color in the create_panel_command function:

python embed = discord.Embed(title="Support Ticket", description="Please click the button below to create a support ticket.", color=0x00ff00)

Replace 0x00ff00 with your desired color code.

What industries or types of Discord servers would benefit most from this Ticketbot Template?

The Discord Ticketbot Template is versatile and can benefit various industries and server types, including: - Gaming communities for bug reports and player support - SaaS companies for customer inquiries and technical support - Educational platforms for student assistance - E-commerce businesses for order inquiries and customer service - Non-profit organizations for volunteer coordination and information requests

How can I add more commands to the Discord Ticketbot Template?

Adding new commands to the Discord Ticketbot Template is straightforward. You can create new functions decorated with @tree.command(). Here's an example of adding a simple help command:

python @tree.command(name='help') async def help_command(interaction): help_text = "Available commands:\n/ping - Check if the bot is responsive\n/create-panel - Create a support ticket panel" await interaction.response.send_message(help_text, ephemeral=True)

Add this function to your main.py file to implement a new /help command.

How does the Discord Ticketbot Template handle data privacy and security?

The Discord Ticketbot Template prioritizes data privacy and security in several ways: - It doesn't store any user data locally - Tickets are created as private channels, visible only to the user and support staff - The bot token is stored securely in environment variables - Users can easily close and delete their ticket channels

However, it's important to note that as the server owner or bot operator, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with data protection regulations in your jurisdiction when using the Discord Ticketbot Template.

Created: | Last Updated:

A simple Discord Ticketbot for your Discord Support Department. This Template and Bot is fully customizable but already build so that you can use it right away. You need a bot token from https://discord.com/developers/applications for your bot to work. These are the steps needed to get your token: "1. ๐ŸŒ Go to the Discord Developer Portal. ๐ŸŒ\n" + "2. ๐Ÿ†• Create a new application and navigate to the 'Bot' section. ๐Ÿค–\n" + "3. ๐Ÿ“‹ Under the 'TOKEN' section, click 'Reset Token' to get your Discord bot token and confirm by clicking 'Yes, do it'. ๐Ÿ”‘\n" + "4. ๐Ÿค– If your bot will have any ability to read/reply to messages, then under the 'BOT' section, enable the slider titled 'Message Content Intent' โœ…" + "5. ๐Ÿ” Set the 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN' in the Env Secrets tab with your bot token from step 3. ๐Ÿ”\n" + "For bot permissions, it's recommended to start with basic permissions and adjust as needed for your app's functionality.๐Ÿš€") If you encounter any bugs, please tell Lazy to fix them and report them on the Official Lazy AI Discord to @D4vidG4merLP. Credits: @meow - the Discord bot slash command template @mrlazy.notlazy - supporting me And the Biggest Thank you. You for using this template โค๏ธ

Here's a step-by-step guide for using the Discord Ticketbot Template:


This Discord Ticketbot Template provides a simple yet customizable solution for setting up a support ticket system in your Discord server. It allows users to create support tickets, which are then managed in dedicated channels.

Getting Started

  1. Click "Start with this Template" to begin using the Discord Ticketbot Template in Lazy.

  2. Set up your Discord bot:

  3. Go to the Discord Developer Portal.
  4. Create a new application and navigate to the 'Bot' section.
  5. Under the 'TOKEN' section, click 'Reset Token' to get your Discord bot token.
  6. In the 'BOT' section, enable the 'Message Content Intent' slider.

  7. Set up the environment secret:

  8. In the Lazy Builder, go to the Environment Secrets tab.
  9. Add a new secret with the key DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN.
  10. Paste your Discord bot token as the value.

  11. (Optional) Set up the client ID:

  12. In the Discord Developer Portal, go to the 'General Information' section of your application.
  13. Copy the 'APPLICATION ID'.
  14. In the Lazy Builder, add another environment secret with the key DISCORD_CLIENT_ID.
  15. Paste the Application ID as the value.

Test the Bot

  1. Click the "Test" button in Lazy to start the deployment process.

  2. Once deployed, you'll see a message in the Lazy CLI confirming that the bot is logged in.

  3. If you set up the DISCORD_CLIENT_ID, you'll also see an invite link for your bot. Use this link to add the bot to your Discord server.

Using the Bot

  1. In your Discord server, you can now use the following slash commands:

  2. /ping: A simple command to check if the bot is responsive. Usage: /ping [optional text]

  3. /create-panel: Creates a support ticket panel with a button. Usage: /create-panel [category_name]

  4. When a user clicks the "Create Ticket" button on the panel, a new ticket channel will be created in the specified category.

  5. In the ticket channel, users can describe their issue. A "Close Ticket" button is available to delete the channel when the issue is resolved.

Customizing the Bot

You can customize the bot further by modifying the code in the Lazy Builder:

  • Change the bot's activity message by modifying the activity parameter in the discord.Client() initialization.
  • Add more commands by creating new functions decorated with @tree.command().
  • Modify the embed messages and button styles to match your server's theme.

Remember to click "Test" after making any changes to deploy the updated bot.

Here are 5 key business benefits for this Discord Ticketbot template:

Template Benefits

  1. Streamlined Customer Support: Automates the process of creating and managing support tickets, allowing businesses to efficiently handle customer inquiries and issues through Discord.

  2. Improved Response Times: By organizing support requests into dedicated channels, support teams can prioritize and address issues more quickly, enhancing customer satisfaction.

  3. Scalable Support Infrastructure: Easily accommodates growing user bases and support demands without requiring significant manual intervention or additional staff.

  4. Enhanced User Experience: Provides a user-friendly interface for customers to create support tickets directly within Discord, where many users are already active.

  5. Customizable Workflow: The template's flexibility allows businesses to tailor the ticketing system to their specific needs, integrating it seamlessly with existing support processes and branding.


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Discord Automation & Bots Discord Automation & Bots

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