CSS ShadowCraft

Start with this template
import logging
from gunicorn.app.base import BaseApplication
from app_init import create_initialized_flask_app

# Flask app creation should be done by create_initialized_flask_app to avoid circular dependency problems.
app = create_initialized_flask_app()

# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class StandaloneApplication(BaseApplication):
    def __init__(self, app, options=None):
        self.application = app
        self.options = options or {}

    def load_config(self):
        # Apply configuration to Gunicorn
        for key, value in self.options.items():
            if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None:
                self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value)

    def load(self):
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CSS ShadowCraft

Created: | Last Updated:

Introduction to the CSS ShadowCraft Template

The CSS ShadowCraft template is designed to help you create and preview custom CSS box shadow effects in real time. This template provides a user-friendly interface where you can adjust various parameters to generate the desired box shadow effect and see the changes instantly.

Clicking Start with this Template

To get started with the CSS ShadowCraft template, click the "Start with this Template" button in the Lazy Builder interface.


After starting with the template, press the "Test" button. This will begin the deployment of the app and launch the Lazy CLI. The app will be deployed, and you will be provided with a link to access the app.

Using the App

Once the app is deployed, you can use the interface to create and preview custom CSS box shadow effects. Here are the steps to use the app:
