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SK1 | Basic Flask Website with HTML and JS

This skeleton is ideal for developers looking to integrate Python, HTML, and JavaScript seamlessly into a single application using Flask such as admin pages, web games, web apps, etc. It facilitates the creation of web-based applications with embedded client-side scripts. This setup is perfect for building full-stack web applications that require interactive elements on the front end while leveraging Python's robust backend capabilities. This skeleton is not a good choice for a backend app.

Discord Member Engagement Bot

This bot will be designed to perform a variety of tasks on Discord, including counting metrics, tracking unique engaged members, tracking new members, and tracking members that have left. These metrics will also be sent as messages to a Slack channel every 7 days in the form of a data frame table converted to text. To make it work, it requires the following environment variables: DISCORD_TOKEN (your Discord bot token), SLACK_API_TOKEN (your Slack API token), and SLACK_CHANNEL (the ID of the Slack channel where the bot will send messages).

Set Default Payment Method in Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to set a default payment method for customers. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint to create the default payment method. The backend makes an API call to set the payment method using the Stripe API. The app displays whether the API call was successful or not after submission.

Website Stats App

The Website Stats App is a bot that provides detailed statistics about a given website. It visits the website, determines its load time, status, and security level. The app also handles errors for incorrect URLs, notifies the user if the website processing is taking some time, and alerts the user if the website is down or not reachable. Additionally, the app automatically posts updates on a Discord channel every 7 hours. If Discord credentials and channel ID for Discord are present, it will use that. The environment variables required for this app are: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, and WEBSITE_URL.

Member Counter Discord Bot

<p id="">This template is, for a Discord bot that calculates the number of members, number of bots and total number of non bot members in a server. It displays a message with the member count in a table format when triggered by the !member_count command in any channel. Additionally it tracks the member count for each role. Presents this information in a table format when triggered by the !member_count_role command. The bot needs permissions and intents to work.</p>