jhonyjgr has reached the 1st level of the Bronze Renaissance badge. Renaissance Builders are the visionaries who are constantly launching new apps, sparking fresh ideas, and relentlessly executing.
jhonyjgr has reached the 1st level of the Common Bug Basher badge. Bug Bashers have encountered every challenge, from DB migration issues to broken layouts. They relentlessly tackle unwanted outcomes and do whatever it takes to see their app through to completion.
jhonyjgr has reached the 1st level of the Bronze Prompting Practice Makes Perfect badge. They say practice makes perfect, and the Prompting Practice Makes Perfect badge is for everyone who has practiced the art of prompting to perfection.
jhonyjgr has reached the 1st level of the Silver Press Play badge. Press Play is for those who boldly run their app, no matter the outcome. Whether met with success or setbacks, they always have the courage to keep hitting that play button.
jhonyjgr has reached the 1st level of the Silver Prompt Engineer badge. Prompt Engineers have comparably high rates of success with their prompts. When they say "Make that div blue". You best believe that div is gonna be blue!
jhonyjgr has reached the 1st level of the Common Community Hero badge. Not all heroes wear capes. Some publish community templates. The Community Hero badge belongs to them.
jhonyjgr is in the top 1.7% of Lazy Devs in Template Generations
A user-friendly web app for downloading videos from YouTube and other platforms.